
In 2018, a Grand Rapids native and business owner invited the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), the nation’s largest and longest-standing broad-based organizing network, to connect with local leaders in his hometown and train them and other interested parties on how to build:

  • Relationships of trust among people and institutions across the racial, economic, and denominational boundaries that divide our communities in Western Michigan.

  • Stronger congregations and community institutions through development of the skills and capacity of their leaders and members.

Following thousands of relational meetings across lines that often divide, and dozens of trainings on broad-based organizing, the founding organizations launched an IAF affiliate in West Michigan in 2021. We continue to form a structure that is:

  • A politically non-partisan vehicle which gives ordinary families a powerful voice in the decisions that affect their lives. Each campaign is led by those experiencing the issue--not expert consultants or armchair activists.

  • A “university” of public life dedicated to developing citizens in the fullest sense: participants in our democracy and agents in the creation of a more just society.

  • An organization of dues paying member institutions, including religious congregations, schools, civic associations, labor and professional organizations, and non-profits.

In Spring of 2022, Together West Michigan (TWM) held our first community listening campaign of over 180 small group conversations with over 1300 community members to learn about the pressures families face.

The campaign led to a public assembly on June 30, 2022 where TWM publicly launched its first issues agenda. Members formed issue action teams that collectively held over 100 research actions with local elected officials, leaders, and issue area experts. Those teams developed proposals for action to take to decision makers.

On May 20th, 2023, TWM held its first Public Action Assembly, with standing room only, and registered our first wins.

We’re just getting started. Find out how you can get involved!